
ASP.NET Core & MVC Digital Marketing Project

Thank you for purchasing our ASP.Net Core & MVC Project. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact email. Thank you!


Before proceeding, you need to have the minimal prerequisite

Our project files has well organized and you will understand easily.


  • Properties

    This folder stores configurations for launching the application in different environments (e.g., Development, Staging, Production)

  • wwwroot

    This folder serves as the web root directory for static files like CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Images and other assets accessible directly by the browser.

  • Controllers

    This folder contains all Controllers that handle incoming requests from the browser, execute business logic, and prepare responses.

  • Models

    This folder contains classes representing the data models used by the application.

  • Views

    This folder contain the UI templates used to render the application's user interface.

  • appsettings.json File

    This file contains configuration settings for the application, such as connection strings, logging options, API Keys and environment variables.

  • Program.cs File

    This file is the main entry point of the application. It bootstraps the application startup process and configures services.


  1. jQuery
  2. Slick JS
  3. Bootstrap 5
  4. Counter
  5. Animation


  1. Bootstrap5

Icon and Fonts

  1. Font Awesome
  2. Raleway
  3. Barlow